The cgge has promoted some lovely work on their website and feature additional information about Etsy sellers too. They also have their own forum covering many different issues. I immediately sent a request to become a member and have just received my membership confirmation this week which I am really thrilled about. I've discovered so many glass shops since joining the cgge. It's always amazing to come across so many different shops with glass, and each shop is unique and has their own feel, own style, and their own creation. That's exactly what I've been trying to do with my Etsy shop. I think that some of my jewellery pieces are a little bizairre... but hey, I guess it's still my very own creation and no-one else will have one!
Please take a moment to browse on the CGGE website. You will definately find lots of beautiful glass pieces on there & lots of interesting information.
Here's just a few pieces from my own Etsy shop. The stripey earrings were my first cool creation by accident. I made them with 1mm glass stringers, and Bullseye fusing glass. The plan was to make a small bowl, but something went wrong and I ended up breaking the glass into smaller pieces. I fired the smaller pieces again with some clear glass over the top, and they came out like little droplets. I thought they would make a lovely pair or earrings.

Lovely work,Deserves admiiiration.
Your work is beautiful!Lovely blog!
The striped earrings are very pretty. Just goes to show that sometimes accidents are Great Ideas in disguise.
Congratulations on finding the CGGE street team, its so much fun having a group of creative people for support and networking.
I am so totally addicted to checking out all of the talented glass artists on Etsy. I've been wanting to get a treasury to show off some of the more amazing things I've found...but...well you know how hard it can be to get a treasury (*sigh*)
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments. I definately know how hard it it to get a treasury... took me ages to get my first one. I usually check the treasury when it's totally full.. definately a timing thing!! lol
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