1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Here goes….
1. I just love old VW Campervans, and a couple of years ago we drove our 1965 splitscreen camper to Rome & back which was an ace experience. We covered just over 3000 miles in total. (.. and I still can’t believe it got us there & back without breaking down once!)
Here's a pic of us at the leaning tower of Pisa (This was as close as we could get)...
2. We’ve got a gorgeous 8 year old cat called Chloe which I named my business after.
3. I’m addicted to watching Neighbours!! Can you believe Harold is still in it!!
4. My favorite album is ‘The It Girl’ by Sleeper.
5. I’m petrified of spiders. (Money spiders are okay… anything bigger is just scary!)
6. I only started working with glass last December and wish I’d started years ago.
7. One sunny day I was driving to pick up my boyfriend. I put my sunglasses on thinking I looked well cool. When I picked up my boyfriend he looked at me funny & asked if everything was okay. I didn’t realise that one of the sunglass lenses had come out, and I’d been driving around with only 1 lense in my sunglasses! I felt such an idiot! lol
And here’s my tag list:
1. DAiSYS & dots Blogspot
2. Glass Kanvas Blogspot
3. Hemp Creations Blogspot
4. KMC designs Blogspot
5. Keepsake Kollections Blogspot
6. Sweetz Shoppe Blogspot
7. incy wincy stitches Blogspot