I've been working on a new range of adjustable rings using dichroic glass & sterling silver. I originally looked online to buy my ring blanks, but I didn't like the styles of adjustable rings that I found. In the end I decided to make my own adjustable rings and started by making a template ring on some card. Once I had made my template, I copied this onto a sheet of sterling silver to saw out. It can take a while to finish making each ring as they all need sanding by hand and polishing. I shape the ring around a wooden ring mandrel and gently hammer it into shape with my mallet. The rings wrap around the finger and can be adjusted to fit any size.

I make the piece of glass seperately by kiln fusing several sheets of plain glass & dichroic (di-kro-ik) glass together. This usually requires several firings before it can be attached to the sterling silver ring.
More dichroic glass & sterling silver adjustable rings available from Chloe's Designs online Ebay Shop.